School Life 4-16-20

For a recent assignment this week, I asked my students with responding to different questions on what their experience has been like since school closures took place. This is part of a series I started a few years back, called #askastudent. It was difficult to watch some of their responses yet also so helpful in really understanding their experience in all of this.

Mr. Andy Bishop

The words: I Got This.


"My students and I have been working on a music video project and it is centered around self-love. We've had discussions in our class about the concept that many kids (and adults) spend lots of time thinking about what they're bad at or what they don't love about themselves as opposed to what their strengths are and what they do love. This aims to help flip the script a little bit in the right direction." Mr. Bishop, 4th grade                Self-Love Music Video

Student Support Center

The Kulshan Creek Center (Little Blue House) is open Monday - Thursday to JES students for after school academic support. Located at Intersection of N. 26 St. & Kulshan Ave., it is open 4:30 - 6:30 pm.


If weather conditions are making roads hazardous, student transportation & the school day schedule may be impacted. A two hour Delayed Start (10:30am) or school cancellations are announced on local radio & television stations as well as the district’s automated robo-phone calls.

Winter weather and road conditions can affect the school day schedule. Get school closure via: