Word of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom (Laughter) - February 3, 2025.

Ask a Student - Mental Health

As you all know, these last two years have been difficult for all of us, including all of our students. When the pandemic first hit, I made a #askastudent video on how students were doing during quarantine (which feels like a lifetime ago). 


Emotions Video

Here is the latest creation from my class, The Emotions Rap! We focused on emotions for this song because we've all been experiencing plenty of them lately and this song helps to process those emotions a bit. This song encourages kids (and adults) to not view feelings in a negative light, but to consider what it would be like if we only had a few emotions and how less colorful the world would be in that case. Emotions are actually very helpful and can guide us more than we think. 


Jefferson Weather Station

The new Jefferson Elementary weather station is up and running!  It is located south of the Blueberry.  This weather station is a professional grade weather data collection system.  We are able to upload our data in real time and see it online.  We can also look at our data over time.  Here is the live link.  

Jefferson Weather Station

Mr. Chad Norman

School Life 4-16-20

For a recent assignment this week, I asked my students with responding to different questions on what their experience has been like since school closures took place. This is part of a series I started a few years back, called #askastudent. It was difficult to watch some of their responses yet also so helpful in really understanding their experience in all of this.

Mr. Andy Bishop

The words: I Got This.